What are spider veins? Are they related to spiders? Are varicose veins different from spider veins? These all are natural questions asked by many, and if you are also wondering about them, then you have come to the right place.

Veins and arteries are a part of your circulatory system and are essential to well-being. However, your veins have to do the toughest job as they have to work against the force of gravity to move deoxygenated blood back to your heart. The valves in your veins keep on opening and closing to prevent the backflow of blood. Over time, this whole process causes the wear and tear of the valves, and they can stop functioning properly. These effects lead to tension in the veins, and you end up with varicose veins and spider veins, also known as telangiectasia. Varicose veins and spider veins are mostly thought to be the same thing. However, they are related but different. Here we explore the distinctive features between both of them. Let’s dig in.

Spider veins v/s varicose veins

Spider veins- even the name sounds ugly! Don’t worry, spider veins have nothing to do with actual spiders. These veins just resemble spider legs since they appear in clusters or nests and usually found on the chest, face, and legs. These are smaller, web-like, purple or bluish vessels that twist and turn. Fortunately, they are usually painless, do not cause swelling, and generally do not lead to other health problems. The major symptoms of spider veins include itching, cramping, burning, throbbing, and heaviness. Spider veins are bothersome but harmless as they are usually small and superficial. Spider veins are mostly no more than a cosmetic nuisance. However, in some cases, they might predict some of the underlying circulatory problems, so it’s always better to get it checked.

On the other hand, varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and bulgy blood vessels that are twisted and bent. The pressure that builds up inside the veins, due to gravity, gives them an enlarged appearance. They appear to be blue, red, purple, or flesh-colored and can be easily seen through the skin. These veins can pop-op on various parts of your body including the groin, ankle, back of your calves, or even inside of your legs. Varicose veins can cause a feeling of heaviness, discomfort, fatigue, discoloration of the skin, itching, and swelling in legs. Swelling may be as a result of valves malfunction or venous insufficiency. The most common complaint of varicose veins is pain. Unlike spider veins, varicose veins are not just a cosmetic problem as they mostly indicate some underlying health conditions such as non-healing sores or blood clots. It signifies a more serious problem in your circulatory system. Spider veins remain faint and flat, whereas varicose veins twist and bulge. In general, spider veins are mostly cosmetic, and varicose veins are medical.

What causes spider veins and varicose veins?

Spider veins are usually inherited, and the contributing factors are obesity, age, and poor circulation. However, varicose veins most often result from poor circulation and valve dysfunction, which allows blood to flow back into legs leading to increased pressure in the veins.

Your level of physical activity also plays a huge role as a causative factor in the development of these conditions. For instance, if you are doing a job where you have to stand for a longer time, gravity is continuously pulling blood back down towards your legs, causing your vein valves to wear over time due to high pressure. Valves malfunction is also related to age. With our increasing age, the vein valves also get older, and over time they begin to leak. And since your skin is thinning as you get older, you see them even more clearly on your skin.

While these two conditions are different, their major causes are somewhat the same that includes, older age, excessive sun exposure, genetics, weight gain, hormonal changes, and even occupations that involve a lot of standing. Hormonal changes during puberty, menopause, and pregnancy can also lead to these veins.

What are the treatment options for spider veins and varicose veins?

Varicose veins and spider veins can be very frustrating to deal with, especially during summers when you feel self-conscious wearing shorts or swimwear. Fortunately, both of them can be easily treated. At  https://www.intermedveinclinic.com/  they are treated with the most innovative technology and with the utmost care by our qualified professionals. Here are the most innovative techniques often used in treating spider and varicose veins.

1.     Endovenous laser therapy

One of the most common and innovative ways of treating varicose veins is endovenous laser therapy (EVLT). This technique uses laser energy to cauterize and close the faulty veins that lead to varicose veins. It is a safe procedure and less invasive than surgery. The whole procedure simply involves using an optical fiber and a laser light. All of the steps are guided by ultrasound scanning, and you can go home soon after your treatment. Isn’t it amazing how EVLT is an all-in-one approach?

2.     Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is another approach to close off and remove spider veins. A solution is injected into blood vessels that causes them to shrink. Smaller veins are often treated with sclerotherapy, and it gives excellent results.

Though there’s no escaping, proper treatment by a consultant as treatment can restore the youthful look of your lower leg, there are always certain lifestyle modifications you can adapt to prevent the likelihood of these veins. Have a look.

  1. Exercising.
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Avoid sitting or standing for a longer time.
  4. Wearing compression stockings.
  5. Elevating your legs to allow blood to drain from the lower leg.

Hopefully, by now, you must be clear with actual difference between varicose veins and spider veins. If you haven’t yet made an appointment with Inter Med Vein Clinic at https://www.intermedveinclinic.com/, don’t wait any longer. We take pride in having experienced and knowledgeable staff that provides the best treatment for spider veins and varicose veins. Schedule your appointment now.

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